==== File Transfer for Windows ==== {{ :hpc:psftp.png?direct&600|}}=== Putty PSFTP === If you want to transfer files from your Windows workstation to your home directory on the cluster you need an SFTP client. A popular option is Putty's PSFTP client. You don't need administrator rights to run this program. You can download the latest PSFTP from [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html|Alternative binary files > psftp.exe]], then just double click on the file to start the client. To connect to the cluster run **open gateway.hpc.tu-berlin.de** You can move files from your local directory to the remote directory and vice versa. Use **lcd** to change your local directory (e.g. **lcd C:\Users\Username\Desktop**) **cd** to change the remote directory, **ls** to list the contents of the remote directory you are currently in. Use **get -r